
Tried and tested: Products from our Topseller Shop

myOerlikon Topseller Shop

Here you can find the most popular products and spare parts for your machines – always in stock, easy to order and quick to arrive.

The prices quoted are gross prices, including 19% VAT. This is not charged to companies from the EU with a VAT identification number (except in Germany) or to customers from non-EU countries.

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* excl. sales tax/VAT. While normally sold to businesses, the products can also be sold to private individuals.

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Service and customer care

Modern and comprehensive online service from Oerlikon Manmade Fibers with Barmag and Neumag products, as used by our portal, offering the full range of OEM spare parts and all information required for plant operation. Our customer service is one of the most important, central aspects of the company and includes the global supply of spare parts, troubleshooting, problem finding, consultation and machine upgrades/updates. A close-knit network of technical and sales service centres, representatives, agents and contacts at our main branches allows us to achieve the highest levels of availability and thus the highest level of customer satisfaction.